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​Bring Ocean Home

一起親手打造一個生態魚缸, 探索水生生物間微妙平衡的過程中,
Let's create an ecological fish tank and explore the delicate balance
among aquatic life, experiencing the wonders of nature.

red cherry shrimp.jpg
活動內容 Activity Content
  1. 生態魚缸的基本原理和構成要素介紹

  2. 選擇容器、底砂和水草去設計獨特魚缸

  3. 魚類品種及其飼養特點的講解

  4. 生態魚缸的後期維護與管理

  1. Basic principles and components of ecological aquariums.

  2. Designing a unique aquarium with containers, substrate, and plants.

  3. Overview of fish species and their care.

  4. Maintenance and management of ecological aquariums.

適合對象 Suitable Audience
  • 小朋友至成人
    All Ages

時間 Time 
  • 1.5小時 (hrs)


費用 Fee
  • HK$350/個 (each)

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