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Travel for Better 樂 遊 仁

for a Sustainable Future
樂遊仁有限公司推出廣泛的活動,讓所有群體都可以參加,彼此互動,實現跨代共融,創造社群和希望為對抗氣候危機出一分力。 目前,我們提供跨世代訓練課程,並策劃以 [竹] 作品為主題的專題活動,包括 [竹建.樂園]、[竹建.樹屋]、[竹筏]、[竹燈]、[竹編] 等等。
Travel for Better Limited feature a wide range of activities for all groups of participants, interact with each other, collaborate across generations, create community and make an impact on the environment. Currently, we provide cross-generation training courses and plan special activities with bamboo works as the theme, including bamboo tree houses, bamboo playgrounds, bamboo rafts, bamboo lantern, bamboo weaving, etc.

使命 Mission
Enjoy the Sustainable Nature
Experience the Connections
Reinvent Tourism Together
Empower the Communities

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