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​Bamboo Lamp

竹燈是使用竹子製作的傳統燈具, 參與者會運用基本工具,

Bamboo lamps are traditional lights made from bamboo.
Participants will use basic tools to design and make their
own unique bamboo lamp from raw materials.

活動內容 Activity Content
  1. ​​認識竹子的材質特性

  2. 動手設計竹燈的圖案

  3. 使用手提電鑽雕刻圖案造型

  4. 裝飾點綴, 讓每盞作品更具個人風格

  5. ​配合LED燈座亮燈

  1. Learn about bamboo's roperties

  2. Design patterns for the bamboo lamp

  3. Use a drill to carve the patterns

  4. Decorate to add personal style

  5. Light up with the LED

適合對象 Suitable Audience
  • 小朋友至成人
    All Ages


時間 Time 
  • 2小時 (hrs)​​

費用 Fee
  • HK$480/位 (head)

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